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Category Archives: Child Custody


Does a Child’s Preference Matter in a Pennsylvania Custody Dispute?

By Lauren H. Kane |

Child custody disputes are among the most contentious issues in a divorce. You may be wondering whether or not your child’s preference matters to the court when it comes to deciding who they will live with. The answer is that it depends. In Pennsylvania, child custody is determined based on 16 discrete factors that… Read More »

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Does the Child’s Preference Factor into a Court’s Decision When It Comes to Child Custody?

By Lauren H. Kane |

If you are currently in a custody dispute with your former spouse, you may wonder whether or not your child’s preference factors into the court’s decision to award custody to one spouse or the other. Is a child allowed to tell the court which parent they would prefer to live with? The answer is… Read More »

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What You Need to Know About Child Custody Relocation

By Lauren H. Kane |

Pennsylvania residents with a child custody order in place and who are considering moving need to be aware of Pennsylvania law. The matter is not as simple as packing up and moving. Whether you are considering moving to a new state or another county in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania’s relocation statute establishes several requirements that must… Read More »

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The Benefits of Mediating Child Custody Disputes

By Lauren H. Kane |

There are several ways to handle a divorce case in Philadelphia. You can mediate the case, choose a collaborative divorce, or litigate. You can also file for an uncontested divorce if you and your spouse can agree on all issues related to the divorce settlement. Mediation, aside from an uncontested divorce, is the quickest… Read More »

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The Role of Experts in Child Custody Cases

By Lauren H. Kane |

When the matter of custody is contested, the court will not automatically know what the right thing to do is. All the court knows is that the parents cannot agree to a custody arrangement. They know that the parents are accusing one another of being unfit on some level. Somewhere, there is a truth… Read More »

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Does Intimate-Partner Violence Affect Custody Agreements?

By Lauren H. Kane |

A recent study sought to determine how intimate partner violence (IPV) impacted the outcome of custody cases. In a sample of 190 cases taken from a county in Central Illinois, there was nearly no indication of IPV being claimed by the women in the study. In fact, some divorce attorneys have reported that reported… Read More »

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FAQs About Child Custody

By Lauren H. Kane |

Issues involving children are some of the most pressing in many divorce cases. Parents know there is a lot on the line, and they have a lot of questions. If you are getting a divorce and children are involved, below are some of the most frequently asked questions about child custody in the state…. Read More »

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Six Quick Tips when Going Through Child Custody Hearings

By Lauren H. Kane |

Child custody issues are some of the most common issues involved in divorce. They are also some of the most difficult and painful for everyone in the family. If you have filed a petition with the court which has necessitated a child custody hearing, you likely have many concerns, and fear that you will… Read More »

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How to Navigate Summer Vacation and Child Custody Orders

By Lauren H. Kane |

Summertime is always challenging for divorced parents. Each parent wants to spend more time with his or her child(ren), and maybe even take them on vacation for a week or two. Unfortunately, parents do not always want to work together, particularly if their plans overlap each other and each parent wants to take the… Read More »

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