Category Archives: Family Law

Uncontested Divorce and Mediation: What are the Benefits?
We’re used to seeing divorce portrayed on television and in movies as a high-conflict affair. That might work in drama, but it doesn’t necessarily work in real life. There is more than one way to end a marriage. One of those ways makes for bad television but is great for your peace of mind,… Read More »

Prenups versus Postnups: Which One is Right For Me?
Most couples don’t envision their marriage ending when they tie the knot. They take “till death do us part” seriously. At the beginning of the marriage, they would never consider getting a prenuptial agreement to determine what happens to assets if the marriage should end. They’re in the honeymoon phase when everything seems perfect…. Read More »

How Are Businesses Appraised During a Divorce?
Pennsylvania is considered an equitable distribution state. That means that assets are divided fairly—not necessarily evenly. All assets that are considered a part of the marital estate are divided between the parties to a divorce. In order to do this fairly, assets, including businesses, must be appraised. The process of valuating a business is… Read More »

Study: Rates of “Gray Divorce” Have Tripled Since 1990
Divorce among those aged 65 and over has tripled since 1990, according to a recent study. In 1990, the rate of divorce among seniors was only 5%. Today, that number has ballooned to 15%, according to the National Center for Family and Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University. Two factors that have led… Read More »

Is a 50/50 Custody Arrangement Right for My Family?
50/50 custody arrangements are those in which the children split time between the parents evenly. This arrangement is also known as shared physical custody. Physical custody describes where a child resides. When the child resides an equal or almost equal amount of time with both parents, we say the arrangement is a 50/50 custody… Read More »

If I’m the Victim of Domestic Violence, What Evidence Do I Need to Get a PFA?
If you are the victim of domestic violence, the State of Pennsylvania allows you to petition the court for a Protection from Abuse (PFA) order. However, you must provide proof to the court that domestic violence is occurring. You can establish that you are the victim of physical or sexual violence or the recipient… Read More »

When Will the Courts Modify a Custody Arrangement in Philadelphia?
Child custody can be a difficult and contentious issue. This is especially true when something comes up and the arrangement needs to be modified. The courts will not modify an existing child custody agreement without substantial evidence presented by the petitioner that the order no longer suits the needs of the family. In this… Read More »

Grounds for Divorce in Pennsylvania
The State of Pennsylvania allows for both fault-based and no-fault grounds for divorce. In other words, the law allows you to blame the other spouse for the breakdown of the marriage, or not. Whether or not you pursue fault-based grounds will depend heavily on your individual circumstances and the potential benefits of doing so…. Read More »

Study: 50/50 Custody Increases Gender Equality
Sweden has one of the highest divorce rates in the world. It also is the world leader in splitting custody time between the parents in half. The impact of this policy has been to reduce the number of single mothers who are solely or mostly responsible for raising their children. Almost half of children… Read More »

Half of Americans Say “Open Marriages” Are “Unacceptable”
Open marriages, or marriages in which both partners are allowed to freely date other people, are becoming an increasingly attractive option for modern couples. However, attitudes toward open marriages vary widely across the spectrum, and the majority of American couples still aren’t ready to take the plunge into polyamory. According to one study conducted… Read More »