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Category Archives: Family Law


How a Prenuptial Agreement Can Make Your Marriage Better and Your Divorce Easier

By Lauren H. Kane |

Prenuptial agreements get a bad rap. Everyone thinks that any individual who offers a prenuptial agreement to their prospective spouse is betting on the marriage failing. Unbeknownst to most people, prenuptial agreements can offer clarity and security when it comes to your marriage, and often provoke conversations that are difficult to have, but ultimately… Read More »

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What is Kayden’s Law?

By Lauren H. Kane |

Kayden’s law, also known as Bill 55, is a piece of legislation aimed at ensuring the safety of children within the Pennsylvania court system. The law was drafted after a tragic event, the death of Kayden Mancuso, a seven-year-old girl from Pennsylvania. Kayden’s family, along with various child advocacy groups, advocated for change that… Read More »

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Supervised Visitation in Pennsylvania

By Lauren H. Kane |

Supervised visitation refers to a situation in which one parent requires a qualified supervisor to be present at all times when the parent is interacting with the child. This is essentially the only requirement. The supervisor is only there to ensure and assess the child’s safety during the visit. Family court judges tend to… Read More »

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Understanding Alimony in Pennsylvania

By Lauren H. Kane |

Alimony, also referred to as spousal support or spousal maintenance, is handled differently in Pennsylvania than it is in other states. In Pennsylvania, the court may order one spouse to pay alimony to the other spouse, but only if the court deems that alimony payment necessary. There are four types of alimony in Pennsylvania:… Read More »

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Study Reveals 1 in 4 Divorcees Admit to Hiding Wealth and Assets from Their Partner

By Lauren H. Kane |

A new study conducted in the UK reveals that one in four individuals admit to hiding assets during their divorce. During the divorce process, both parties are required to make a full financial disclosure of their assets. Hiding assets can land them in hot water with the judge. Failure to make a full disclosure… Read More »

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What are the Different Types of Alimony in a Pennsylvania Divorce?

By Lauren H. Kane |

Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a type of payment made from one spouse to another to prevent the divorce from completely reducing their standard of living. It is not, however, an automatic entitlement in divorce proceedings. It serves as a way to balance the lower-earning spouse’s finances. When one spouse faces a… Read More »

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How Do You Establish Paternity in Pennsylvania?

By Lauren H. Kane |

The process of establishing paternity when the parents are married is generally quite straightforward. However, trouble comes into play when the child is born out of wedlock. If the parents are married the husband is listed as the legal father on the child’s birth certificate. But what happens when the parents are unmarried or… Read More »

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New Marriage Study Indicates the Best Age to Marry

By Lauren H. Kane |

When most people enter into a marriage, they generally do so under the belief that the marriage will last for the remainder of their life. Today, many individuals are marrying later in life. They assume that they need to have their education behind them and their career well established before walking down the aisle…. Read More »

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Tax Implications of Divorce in Pennsylvania

By Lauren H. Kane |

The division of marital property is one of the most crucial aspects of a divorce. The State of Pennsylvania is an equitable distribution state. That means that assets and debts acquired during the marriage are divided fairly, albeit not necessarily evenly. “Fair” is based on several factors such as the length of the marriage,… Read More »

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Recent Study Discusses the Incomes of the Newly Divorced: Do They Earn Less Money?

By Lauren H. Kane |

A recent study published by the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank indicates that married men tend to earn more money than single men and other workers. The study sought out to gauge the impact of divorce on an individual’s labor income. According to the study, although the divorce rate is decreasing over time, there… Read More »

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