6 Mistakes To Avoid During Your Divorce

You have a lot on your plate when going through a divorce. You may have several meetings with your lawyer, and you may be facing a contentious courtroom battle, all while trying to deal with your own emotions. All of this can cause people to make mistakes during the divorce process, which leaves them vulnerable after the divorce is final. If you are considering divorce, below are some of the most common mistakes to avoid.
Not Considering Alternatives to the Courtroom
You may think that your divorce case must enter litigation and be resolved in the courtroom, but it does not always have to be that way. There are forms of alternative dispute resolution you should consider, including mediation. During mediation sessions, a mediator will help you resolve the issues in your case, including property division, child custody, and more. Mediation allows you to retain control over your divorce and is less costly and time-consuming than going to trial.
Not Considering the Impact on Your Taxes
A divorce will affect your taxes in many ways. Some factors to consider are as follows:
- Name changes
- Address changes
- Filing status
- Tax withholdings
- Claiming dependents
- Divorce tax deductions
- Sharing retirement
To minimize the impact on your taxes, and to ensure you are filing properly and paying the right amount, you should speak to a financial expert.
Not Preparing for the Future
Transitioning from a spouse to a single person will greatly affect your future, and it is best to prepare for that. You may have less income and additional debt related to the divorce and any child support payments you are required to make. You must be realistic with your expectations, outline and prioritize your goals, and create a reasonable action plan.
Getting Your Children Involved
No matter how hard you try to make it easier for them, divorce is extremely difficult for children. Although you may need additional support at this time, you should not seek it from your children. Instead, speak to a close friend or relative or a therapist that can help as you move through the process. This will allow you to be the support system your child needs. Also never bad mouth your spouse in front of the kids, and do not try to alienate them from their other parent. These behaviors are very damaging for children and could hurt you in future child custody hearings.
Hiding Assets
You may want to hide assets to protect them from property division hearings, but doing so will only hurt your case. The courts do not look favorably on dishonesty and will use your deception against you. Also, depending on the circumstances, you could even face criminal charges of fraud.
Working with the Wrong Divorce Lawyer
One of the biggest mistakes you could make is working with the wrong Philadelphia divorce lawyer. At the Law offices of Lauren H. Kane, our knowledgeable attorney will always protect your best interests, and ensure no mistakes are made so you recover the fair settlement you deserve. Call us today at 215-918-9453 or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation.